Topfreedom Thoughts, and Quotes

Some other points to ponder in the debate for Topfreedom

Breasts are only sexual, if we make them sexual.   Many people see lips, hands, feet, and yes even male breasts as sexual too, but do we cover them?  In actuality female breasts are simply feminine, as male breasts are masculine, just like legs, faces, hair, feet, etc.  Why should a woman have to cover her breasts just because they look feminine? Shouldn't she have to hide her other feminine features too? On the contrary, many women choose to accentuate their feminine features, by maintaining shaved legs, lipstick clad lips, long soft hair, and painted toenails.  The choice, as it should be is theirs.  Why then should they be denied the basic right to remove their shirts in places, and circumstances where men are customarily allowed to remove theirs?   

We all have different ideas of what is sexual, and what is offensive, and we can not, nor should we trample people's rights by making them cover every part of their body that might possibly excite, or offend someone else.   

"As a man, I can't imagine living with a  law that would forbid men from taking their shirts off in public; let alone at the beach in the middle of the summer.  Sure, you can remind us to put them on before walking into restaurants, and make us wear them to work, but if you ever passed a law that would have us arrested for simply removing our shirts in public, I'd be willing to bet that all hell would break loose, and that law would go away real fast.  I'm amazed that women have put up with, and even supported  such legal, and cultural restraints for so long."

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"We used to occasionally visit a cocktail lounge that has a video trivia machine sitting on the corner of the bar.  It continually plays samples of the games you can play on it, and every few minutes it displays a strip poker game. The woman on the screen repeatedly strips off her clothes, until she's standing there in nothing but a g-string.  It seemed interesting to us that while this bothered no one, and the owners clearly didn't object to it, on our last visit there, they denied us entrance because my wife's nipples were visible through her blouse."

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